Author: admin

Southern: A Way of Life and State of Mind

Southern: A Way of Life and State of Mind

After a three week hiatus from blogging, it is safe to say we are officially moved into our new home in Coral Gables, Florida! This move has been a dream of mine since I finally came to the realization that Miami, not Atlanta, is now […]

Huddler’s Brickell Nursery

Huddler’s Brickell Nursery

I have been nostalgic lately. My little baby is turning into a little boy, and will soon turn into my little man. Huddler’s first birthday was on March 9, and he is growing so quickly. When I was pregnant, everyone would say, “The first year […]

Huddler’s First Top 5: Moore Playtime

Huddler’s First Top 5: Moore Playtime

Years ago, pre-parenthood, I swore I would never be one of those moms whose living rooms were covered with toys. Yet, here I am only thirteen months into mama life and it would seem as though Toys-R-Us emptied their going out of business trucks right next to my couch. I find blocks in my makeup drawer, balls in the closet, and I am already dreading the inevitable Lego phase where I will no doubt step on a sharp edge block while finding my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I am also pretty sure there is a toddler sized tricycle in our bathroom too…. Regardless that I live in what feels like life size toy chest, I would not change anything. I actually find myself in the toy aisle at Target looking for more toys to watch Huddler play with. (Which I do resist actually purchasing…. most of the time.) 

Watching Huddler play and explore the world around him is one of my favorite parts of being a mom. I love teaching him and watching him try things for himself. I am constantly in awe of his pure curiosity and wonder. It is so much fun to watch, and I am sure it is the same for most all parents.

Recently, I have had several friends who have children or who are about to have children ask for some guidance when it comes what to buy, brands I love, recommendations, things to avoid, etc… So one of my goals in creating Moore Than Happy is to provide mamas (and dads) with some suggestions and resources that I have found helpful. I also like to research things (yes, I am a nerd), and I know not everyone has time to do that. So for all those out there looking for some new toy ideas, or you have a child’s birthday party coming up here is Huddler the Cuddler’s current favorite toys. He’s almost 14 months old and all of these toys would be great for boys or girls! (I have linked the Amazon purchase pages to each of the toys to make it easier for everyone to find! Simply click on the image.)

1. Fat Brain Toys Spin Again:

Here’s why we love this: It’s very basic, bright, and colorful! Huddler is really into putting objects together and taking them apart and the Spin Again comes in 8 pieces that allows the child to practice those skills. Also, as you put it together, the disks spin down the rod and Hud loves watching them go round and round.


2. Fat Brain Toys Tobble Neo:
Here’s why we love this: Again, bright and colorful! It comes in 7 pieces and is stackable in a way that blocks are not. The egg shaped pieces can lean and they are weighted so they can balance in different ways. Huddler has really loved this one because he can build it up, and of course, knock it down.


3. Classic Stack Rings:
Here’s why we love this: (Bright and colorful! Obviously) It comes in 7 pieces and again STACKABLE! See a theme now? Huddler loves when toys do this. This has been his favorite toy since he began showing interest in toys. (Thanks Aunt Shiela!) What I have noticed, is that now he does play with it differently. As a small baby, he liked to hold the rings, now he is obsessed with getting them all to fit onto the middle piece. I have read several articles that describe how this particular toy will grow with a child as he or she develop. For example, in the months to come, it will serve a memory tool for Hud as he learns the order of the rings. It will also serve as a tool to teach colors and numbers.


4. Melissa and Doug Pounding Bench:

Here’s why we love this: I absolutely LOVE Melissa and Doug toys. They are tried and true classics. When we gave Huddler the pounding bench for his birthday, I felt like I hit the gift giving jackpot. He will play with this forever. (Well more like 10 minute intervals which is forever in toddler time.) The pounding bench focuses on hand eye coordination as well as colors.


5. Tegu Blocks: 
Here’s why we love this: We were at a playground in February and two adorable twin girls around Huddler’s age were sharing these great magnetic blocks with him. I’m not sure if he was more interested the pretty little girls or their blocks, but either way, these wooden blocks have been a playtime staple since. They do cost a little more than the other toys on our list, however, you can get different sets in size and color. I wouldn’t call any toy an investment, however, Tegu blocks will grow with your child. Tegu includes different patterns to create, similar to Lego, as your child gets older. These blocks also travel really well and have a variety of cases to chose from.


As wonderful as all of these toys are, the real winner is listed below… and took little to no research or an Amazon order. (Insert eye roll.) 

Sweet Potato and Quinoa Soup

Sweet Potato and Quinoa Soup

There is a restaurant in Brickell called Perricone’s. This restaurant serves some of the best Italian inspired food in Miami, and the service is excellent. Several months ago, Huddler and I had a lunch date. (As a side note, mama and son lunch dates are […]

Moore Than Happy: The Beginning

Moore Than Happy: The Beginning

Moore Than Happy began as our wedding hashtag cleverly created by a very witty friend. In fact, my journey into blogging and creating this space began just after our New Year’s Eve wedding in 2015. I was lost, overwhelmed, a newlywed, and had absolutely no […]