Moore Than Happy: The Beginning

Moore Than Happy: The Beginning

Moore Than Happy began as our wedding hashtag cleverly created by a very witty friend. In fact, my journey into blogging and creating this space began just after our New Year’s Eve wedding in 2015. I was lost, overwhelmed, a newlywed, and had absolutely no idea which direction my life was going. For someone who had just hit the spousal jackpot (my husband is one of the most remarkable people you will ever meet), I was a wreck. Everything was a blur. I was unhappy, overly anxious, and crying more frequently that I would like to admit. I felt lost.

In February following our wedding, Bobby and I were honeymooning in Bora Bora when it struck me how unhappy I actually was. I hated to admit that out loud. Bora Bora had been on my bucket list for years, I mean years, and although I was ecstatic to be living this dream come true, there was an overcast of self doubt and sadness. And these feelings caused guilt. So much guilt. How could I be on my dream vacation and not over the moon happy? While traveling, I had time to reflect and I realized one of the main causes of my unsettled feelings was the direction my career was going. This realization was the catalyst that changed everything.

I had been working for a consulting company based in the Atlanta area and traveling all of the time. Despite what many think, business travel is not as glamours as it sounds. (My life resembled George Clooney’s from Up in the Air, but minus George Clooney.) I was exhausted. I worked from home in Miami while my team sat in Georgia. I was isolated when I was not on the road. I had just planned our wedding and finished remodeling our condo. (As a piece of advice, never plan a wedding and a remodel at the same time. Your sanity will not stay in tact and you may kill your significant other. Or, your mama will have to fly down and talk you off of a ledge. Or a few….) I was not in a good head space and my anxiety was off the charts. Our honeymoon came at the perfect time. We spent eleven days on the island and although it rained for half of our trip, it was exactly what I needed: clarity and forced relaxation.

Even in literal paradise, I cried almost every day sitting on the back porch of our over the water bungalow worried about what I should do next. (Feeling so, so guilty about the crying too.) I was anxious because I hate letting people down. I am not a quitter. Resigning from my job felt like an impossible feat. But I knew this was part of the root of my unhappiness. I was unsatisfied with my career. (On the upside, there could have been worse places to go through this mental funk, right?) However, with Bobby’s support and guidance, on the day I returned from our honeymoon, I handed in my letter of resignation. I’m sure this was not favorable to my superiors, but it was the right decision for me. This was the beginning of a new journey. After resigning I felt as a burden was lifted, however, the looming question of, “what’s next?” constantly hovered overhead. (And truthfully, it still does.)

So here I am a little over two years later still on this journey figuring things out as I go. I have had the opportunity to travel, catch up with friends, focus on myself, spend time with family, and explore my options. I also became a mama. And second to marrying my husband, becoming a mom is the coolest thing I’ve ever done.

My goal in launching Moore Than Happy is to create a space where I can share my interests (old and new), document my journey through life and motherhood, offer a few suggestions, and share a little positivity and inspiration with others…. especially mamas. I believe that by focusing on happiness, doing things that create happiness within ourselves and for others, we are able to serve our families, friends, and communities in unimaginable ways. More than anything, I believe that that kindness and positivity are still relevant and needed more than ever. And that is exactly what I hope you’ll find here. I am very thankful to have this opportunity, and hope you’ll join me for the ride!

Welcome to Moore Than Happy