Huddler’s Brickell Nursery

Huddler’s Brickell Nursery

I have been nostalgic lately. My little baby is turning into a little boy, and will soon turn into my little man. Huddler’s first birthday was on March 9, and he is growing so quickly. When I was pregnant, everyone would say, “The first year goes by so fast,” or, “Don’t Blink!” To be honest, I thought these were slightly ridiculous comments as a new mama. I loved his early months, but I was sleep deprived and felt like a human vending machine. The nights were long, however, the last year has seemed very short. From time to time I look through old (well, not necessarily old since Huddler is only one, but you know what I mean…) photos on my phone and recently I came across the photos of his nursery. I am no interior decorator or designer, but I had the best time creating a space that Huddler and I would spend countless hours in. From his crib, to his sliding chair, each piece was chosen with love and excitement.

Before Huddler was born, I would wake up at 3 or 4 am almost daily due to pregnancy insomnia. I would go into his nursery, sit in our chair, and eat bananas (Even now, Huddler eats at least one banana a day). I would (inside my head) have little conversations with His Royal Majesty (No, I do not call him this, however, his initials are HRM so it’s kinda funny). At the time, our talks were about the things we would do together, but mostly about how uncomfortable he was making me. I LOVE being a mama, but I did not enjoy being pregnant. To me, even inside the womb, I felt he was giving me a hard time just because he could. This was the first sign I knew he would be just like his daddy. As much as I did not like being awake at 4 am, I look back on those memories and smile. Or cry, it depends on the day. Preparing for Huddler to come into the world was so much fun, and I look forward to doing it again someday for his future brothers or sister. (Or brother or sister… let’s see how the un-conceived number two goes first.) 

I created Moore Than Happy as a space to share the things that make me happy. As my first Moore Home post, I am sharing details of Huddler’s nursery. This room has brought so much joy to our family that I hope you’ll find it as sweet as we do. When designing Huddler’s nursery, there were several things I considered. Space (our’s was limited), function (this room would also serve as our guest room for visiting family), and style (I wanted the pieces to be stylish, classic, and transitional so I could use in our future home.) From the paintings on the wall, to the daybed that also hid a trundle, each and every detail was chosen with thoughtfulness.

These beautiful watercolor paintings were done by a long time friend and INCREDIBLE Atlanta based artist, Maggie Smith Kühn. She absolutely exceeded all expectations when I asked her to paint these animals. She is arguably one of the most talented people I know, and if you’d like to see more of her works, simply click here to head to her stunning website. 

The nursery furniture, stuffed animals, and throw pillows were purchased at RH Baby and Child. I love Restoration Hardware! The quality of their products and customer service is great. I believe all of these items are still available on their website as well. The daybed, changing table, and crib are also all gender neutral. The large stuffed giraffe and other small items around the room are from Pottery Barn Kids. PB Kids also has great sales and promotional codes from time to time. I would highly recommend looking for those for additional savings before purchasing.

This sweet little rocking elephant was a wonderful gift from Huddler’s Auntie Bianca and my brother, Jacob. Huddler is just now big enough to ride it, but when he was a baby, I used it as an ottoman for the sliding rocker. I would strongly encourage every family with a new baby to have some form of rocker in their nurseries. I did not think I would need one at first, but I was super wrong! It has been great! I use it everyday and ours has a slip cover that can be washed.

These photos mean the absolute world to me. Heather Funk took incredible pictures at our wedding, and has since become our family photographer and dear friend. If you have a chance, check out her website. Her photos are simply stunning. The last photo of Stella, my first child and little best friend, and Huddler will forever be one of my all time favorites. Stella loves Hud so much and this photo captures it perfectly. Although this has post has been dedicated to Huddler’s nursery, I would like to send a very special thanks to Heather and her three beautiful girls who always make our photo sessions so much fun.

Much Love,
